June Gregg, of Ohio, still uses the same bank account that her father opened for her when she was less than two years old. In other words, she had her present savings account opened in 1913, for June Gregg is 100 years old. It may be a record for bank customer loyalty. (Yahoo News) “That perked […]
April 25 2011 by
KSN in
Africa |
(CNN) In Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, Garum Tesfaye is a landlord, of a sort. He rents newspapers. Surrounded by worn-out copies of old newspapers, stacks of gossip magazines and the crisp print of the latest news, Tesfaye sits attentively, checking his watch every now and then. Near him, a pedestrian bridge provides shelter […]
October 19 2010 by
KSN in
Asia |
(msnbc) Creating a new generation of higher-skilled workers is both a means and an end for China’s ambitious development plan. With wages rising for low-skilled factory jobs, Chinese leaders say they need to expand the base of higher-paying jobs and create the highly trained work force needed to fill those jobs.